Thigh Lift
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Also known as Thighplasty, A thigh lift is a procedure to reshape the thighs by reducing excess skin and fat, resulting in smoother skin and better contours for the thighs and lower body.
Medial (inner) thigh lift: An incision is made in the groin area, and any excess fat and skin are excised along the inner aspect of the thigh. Liposuction may be but is not always included with an inner thigh lift, depending on your individual requirements. The area from the groin to the knee is recontoured and the procedure is repeated for the other thigh. If a more substantial wedge of tissue is removed, the procedure is called a thighplasty.
Lateral (outer) thigh lift:This is a more complex procedure, usually involving recontouring of the buttocks as well as the outer thighs and removal of more tissue. Scarring is more extensive, and the skin will be less elastic after the surgery, so weight should be maintained.
This procedure is followed by an intense recovery procedure. Dr. Date will discuss how long it will be before you can return to your normal level of activity and work. After surgery, you will receive detailed instructions about your post-surgical care, including information about:
Drains, if they have been placed.
Normal symptoms you will experience.
Potential signs of complication.
Although your new smooth contours will be visible immediately after surgery, there will be a period of bruising, swelling and soreness. If your pain is extreme or long-lasting, contact Dr. Date to find out if your pain, bruising and swelling is normal or a sign of a problem. It is vitally important that you follow all patient care instructions provided. This will include information about wearing compression garments, care of your drains, taking an antibiotic if prescribed and the level and type of activity that is safe.
Every procedure involves inherent risks. Although serious complications are extremely rare, Dr. Date educates every patient about potential risks.
Fortunately, significant complications from thigh lifts are infrequent. Your specific risks for thigh-lift surgery will be discussed during your consultation. Some of the potential complications of all surgeries are:
- Adverse reaction to anesthesia
- Hematoma or seroma (an accumulation of blood or fluid under the skin that may require removal)
- Infection and bleeding
- Changes in sensation
- Scarring
- Allergic reactions
- Damage to underlying structures
- Unsatisfactory results that may necessitate additional procedures
You can help minimize certain risks by following the advice and instructions of Dr. Date, both before and after your thigh-lift surgery.