Arm Lift
Tight, well-defined upper arms signify health and physical fitness. While exercise can build these muscles, it cannot eliminate excess skin and fat that may obscure them. An arm lift with Dr. Date tones the upper arms by removing this excess tissue, resulting in sleeker, fit-looking arms.
After losing a significant amount of weight and embarking on a program of vigorous exercise, you may find that you still have loose, hanging underarm skin that resembles bat wings. Although you can improve your upper-arm appearance with exercise, this redundant underarm skin remains a problem that does not improve with exercise.
Flabby arms can result from ageing, genetics or significant weight loss. An arm lift eliminates sagging and tightens the upper arms by:
Removing excess skin and fat
Re-contouring the arm
Tightening lax skin to create a smooth appearance
Dr. Date will help you reach your expectations by achieving beautiful, natural-looking results. Request a consultation or call our office at +91 8291583850