Dr. Date Clinic,Vallabhbhai Patel Road,Bandra West, Mumbai

Recovery Tips After a Breast Reduction Surgery

Author: Kashmera

Updated: 17 Nov 2023

Thousands of women undergo highly sophisticated breast reduction surgery every year. Much like any other surgery, this one, too, needs the patient to rest for at least a month and follow certain lifestyle restrictions. 

Women who experience neck pain, back aches, etc., due to excessively heavy breasts often take this surgery to feel more comfortable. The cost of breast reduction treatment in Mumbai or any other city might vary based on several factors. 

However, every city has multiple specialist clinics offering such high-end surgeries performed by the best cosmetic surgeons. If you are considering such a surgery, get in touch with the best clinic near you to know more about the cost and process in detail.

Recovery Progress after breast reduction Surgery

Breast reduction involves the removal of a part of the breast glands. Therefore, it takes a few weeks to recover completely after this surgery. Modern medicine and post-operation aids make the process faster and easier. For some, the recovery can be faster than it is for others. However, the following progress pattern remains almost similar for all patients. 

  • 1-3 days following the surgery: You will feel the swelling the most during this time. The doctor will suggest you wear your surgical bra. Additionally, you might feel dizzy. If you can stand properly, you can shower after 48 hours of the operation. 
  • 1-2 Weeks after the operation: Try not to lift heavy objects during this time. However, the swelling will begin to reduce, but the bruises will still remain visible. 
  • 2-4 weeks post-surgery: This is when you can resume your daily chores except for the heavy work. Continue wearing surgical bras even if you feel itchy or uncomfortable at times. 
  • 4-6 weeks after the operation: This is the final stage of recovery when you will feel much more comfortable. By this time, you would be able to sleep on one side.

Critical Post-Surgery Care Tips For Fast Recovery

The followings are a few care measures that can help recover after Breast reduction surgery. 

  • Seek Help

After the surgery, you will have some lifestyle restrictions. Following these diligently remains critical for complete and fast recovery. Therefore, you should ask your family members and friends to help you with work you cannot do for the time being. 

Additionally, you should not take medicines randomly if you experience pain, discomfort, or any other issues. Always contact your doctor before taking any medicine other than the prescribed ones. These precautions will help you recover faster and without much pain or hassle. 

  • Sleep Properly

Sleeping after any plastic surgery, especially Breast reduction needs careful positioning of the body. You cannot sleep casually as you always do immediately after a Breast reduction operation. The best surgeons for breast reduction in Mumbai will suggest to you the most comfortable and safest ways to sleep to ensure a fast recovery. 

Your suiting and sleeping postures often decide the pace of recovery after Breast reduction. Therefore, make sure to keep a pillow under your torso to keep the chest area a little elevated. This will help you sleep comfortably without adding to the extent of swelling. 

  • Arm Movement Restriction

It is best not to lift your arms above your head for at least a few weeks after the operation. Moreover, do not lift anything heavy with your hands or lean forward or backward for any reason. Additional stress on your breast area can be a source of pain and complications after breast reduction surgery. 

Keep all your necessary things within your reach and on a table or a surface you can access without moving your hands upwards. Especially for the first two weeks, you should follow these restrictions diligently to allow your wound to heal. 

  • Do Not Smoke

Smoking does not help in your recovery process. Smoking worsens the conditions. Smoking generally causes the narrowing of the blood vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood to the wounds. 

Therefore, you might experience more swelling, slow recovery, and other post-surgery complications if you continue smoking. All cosmetic surgeons will suggest you refrain from smoking even before the surgery. 

  • Scar Care

Every incision process leaves scars behind. For breast surgery, there will be a visible scar on your breast immediately after the operation. However, the best cosmetic surgeons for breast reduction in Mumbai try to keep the scar appearance to a minimum. 

The initial appearance of this scar will be a red, raised cut line. After consulting with your surgeon, you can apply silicon gels, topically on this scarred area. Over time, the scar fades, leaving a negligible mark on your breasts. 

  • Eat a Balanced Diet

Recover after any surgery depending on the nutritional intake of the patient. Therefore, eating healthy and nutrient-rich food remains critical for a complete recovery. Your daily diet should contain enough amounts of protein, vitamins, and minerals. 

These nutritional elements remain responsible for the healing and regrowth process. Therefore, a protein-rich diet helps recover faster. Consuming seasonal fruits and vegetable is also critical during this time. 

Besides maintaining a balanced diet, you should also consume enough water to keep the body dehydrated. Besides carrying the essential nutrient to your body parts, water also helps remove the anaesthetic in your body. Therefore, stay hydrated to recover sooner. 

  • Do Not Stress

Our lives today remain full of stress and anxiety. However, after the surgery, you have to stay away from all negativities and sources of stress and anxiety. This will help you recover more quickly. When your mind stays relaxed and positive, your body works more efficiently. 

Healing is a process that involves physiological processes combined with psychological health. Therefore, taking care of your mental health remains equally important. 

  • Follow Your doctor’s Instruction

Never deviate from your doctor’s instructions. From taking the medicines on time to eating healthily, you should follow your surgeon’s suggestion word by word for a fast recovery. 

If your doctor suggests you walk occasionally, do so even if it pains you a little. Your surgeon knows the best course of recovery. Therefore, trust the expert and follow the instructions. 

If you intend to know the cost of breast reduction treatment in Mumbai, get in touch with the most reputed cosmetic surgery clinic near you. The costs may vary depending on the extent of the reduction and many other factors. However, the best clinics always keep the rates quite reasonable.